BN'K on Tour

The Best in Nerd & Otaku Press

Momocon 24'

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Press & Events

Amazing press coverage for nerd and otaku events!

Over the last 20 years, nerd content and the community that has grown around it has morphed from a small cult community of dedicated fans and creators, into a large massive ecosystem of content creators, casual enjoyers, long-time supporters, and businesses all simultaneously contributing to what we now know as nerd culture and the nerd community.

Since 2019, BN'K on Tour has provided comprehensive coverage of events of nerd-themed events of all sizes, highlighting industry professionals, conversing with attendees, and working to showcase the diversity of these amazing nerdy spaces!

BN'K on Tour is dedicated to providing detailed, honest, and transparent coverage, as well as capturing unique and exciting moments so that all con-goers from the newly initiated to the seasoned veterans can celebrate these amazing events.Check out the coverage BN'K on Tour has provided over the years below!

Previous Press Coverage

Check out BN'K on Tour's past press coverage!

Jeremy Inman at AFO 2022

Anime Festival of Orlando or AFO is an anime convention based out of Orlando, Florida showcasing not only otaku culture but anime, manga, cosplay, and other Japanese cultural aspects.In this interview, the team met with Jeremy Inman, an American voice actor, and ADR director, known for his work in English dubbing with roles and work including Android 16 in Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Z Kai and Golden Kamui.

QuestCon Orlando 2023 Mini Reel

QuestCon Orlando is the event to attend for tabletop gamers who wish to spread the love of the hobby to as many people as possible. Throughout their years of playing games such as Rogue Trader, Dungeons & Dragons, Star Finder, and too many board games to count, the craetors of QuestCon have created a fantastic circle of friends who are passionate about all aspects of gaming.With their collective experiences, they created the premier tabletop convention in the Central Florida region, gathering gamers from all different mediums to celebrate each of our individual passions.

MegaCon 2023 Mini Reel

One of the largest conventions in the southeast of the United States, MegaCon is a convention for everyone, offering panels, live shows, a HUGE market place, and interactive exhibits in anime, cartoons, movies, horror, comics, manga and so much more!It's a con you have to see for yourself!

Meet the Press Crew!

BN'K on Tour Press would be nothing without an amazing crew and while we are small, we do amazing work! please take the time to check out our amazing team!

Press Connect

Are you interested in working with BN'K on Tour for press? Reach out with the contact form to the right!

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